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Exalt Interactive designed the mobile experience to make the sale and management of Caterpillar's heavy equipment easier for sales representatives. With early prototyping, we were able to reduce risks and development costs. The Naxt Sales App was co-created with xApt's developer team.
heavy industry enterprise software crm mobile application microsoft ax40+
Sales Rep's insights gathered across the Globe29%
decrease in initial features by research310
screens designed for 3 platforms Before new app, Caterpillar Sales Representatives were left to solve their day-to-day issues on their own. We were asked to help the firm in optimizing the progress of the sales. For that, we had to understand how they work, how they feel, and ultimately what their needs are. Starting with surveys and numerous user interviews, we were able to map out their workflows:
The results of our analysis showed that they spend most of their time on the road, driving.
With this in mind, we designed an all-inclusive mobile experience for sales reps worldwide, from the United States to New Zealand.
How might we enable sales professionals to make better on-site decisions in order to increase customer satisfaction and sell more heavy equipment?
After validating the feature set, we started to design wireframes for each screen. We set the objective to help motivate the sales representatives in closing their deals simply and swiftly. To achieve this goal, we created clear indicators to show the status of the sale's process.
Sales representatives travel long hours, so the most logical device to design our application for seemed to be their phones. Creating an inherently intuitive experience was a must.